Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, október 2009

Food for thought

The mind's mistakes is to let our hearts wander free.
For freedom cannot be gained by freedom.
But rather by utmost conduct of nobleness and service
can one truly consider oneself free.
It is interesting to think about the concept freedom. What does freedom mean? Is it to go about doing whatever the heart desires, to take what you can, when you can and do what you want, when you want? I find by that kind of freedom will leave you imprisoned in your own emptiness. We see it all the time in kids who are left to their own devices, they go wild and are miserable, but kids who are raised to know discipline and love are kids who later in life will know greatness. But what is real freedom then? For me it is utter detachment from the world and giving life to service. You may then ask, how can freedom  be gained by giving life? Isn't freedom gaining space and time to do what pleaseth?

It is only so far we can go with material pleasure, living in solely the physical world will leave a small gap in the soul that will grow bigger as one tries to fill it. But living in service and detachment from the world will give you a new understanding of freedom. It will give you the space you need to spread your wings and that space is indeed infinite. And you will find your mind soaring to such great heights of happiness, it will be dizzying, and the kind of happiness that is everlasting, not just the fleeting happiness we gain from material possessions.



Linda Rós Eðvarðsdóttir
Linda Rós Eðvarðsdóttir
Farfugl með pælingar, sem hljóma kannski ekki alltaf gáfulega en hafa þó yfirleitt eitthvað gildi. :)

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